
Put Some Spring in Your Step: How to Jump Start Your Motivation

If you're like me and feeling the weight of deadlines, auditions, waitlists, and other singer woes combined with the last wave of winter blues, the call of Netflix and pizza is probably much louder than the call of responsibility. Who wouldn't want to sit on the couch and zone out with some take-out? Alas, we all have several jobs to do with such little time. Here are some tips for staying motivated during this audition season. 


1. Start a gratitude journal

Feeling underappreciated or inadequate? Write down all of the compliments you receive each day. You'll be suprised to find you can accummulate a good number of pages in a short amount of time. Take a look at this journal when you feel a little off. Feel free to also include small daily accomplishments such as a practice log, workout log, or write down whatever you need to get off your chest. Don't worry about being Charles Dickens or Walt Whitmna, just write. You are loved and you can do this!


2. When in doubt, list it out!

I would be nothing without my to-do list. I make lists for everything from what to buy at the grocery store to when and where to practice. It feels great to cross off each item. Use the traditional pad of paper and pen or download a free app for your phone such as To-Do-List, Google Keep, or Todoist. I personally use my Google Calendar to knock off important and tedious tasks.


This is an excerpt from my calendar. I've included chunks of procrastination time, just in case.


3. Think small

Don't try to do everything at once. Start small. Focus on cleaning out your sock drawer, your repertoire binder, your kitchen counters, or even just your junk drawer. Take the time to get organized in the small spaces. Eventually, you'll move on to bigger tasks as you start to chip away at your to-do list. 


4. Go for a walk

Take a mini break and go for a stroll at your favorite park, mall, beach, or even around the block. Challenge yourself to a stroll without technology. Put on a watch and put your mobile away for 10 minutes. It's wonderful to be unplugged and take in nature. Walks are an excellent way to clear your head and stay in shape. It's like killing two birds with one stone!


I went on a walk a little while ago and made a friend. The bird is the word.


5. Get an accountabili-buddy

Use a close friend or your significant other and commit to one goal: getting in shape, practicing your music more, cutting back on junk food, doing homework, or doing the dishes. Check in on each other and offer words of encouragement. It helps not to obsess too much over slipping up. We're all human! Pick yourself or your accountabili-buddy up and try again.


This is one of my accountabili-buddies and roommates, Alyce. We sometimes go to coffee shops, do homework, and sip tea.


Today is a new day to implement new productive strategies. Start small and see how far you can go this Spring. What strategies do you impliment to stay motivated?

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