Is all the content on Modern Singer free?

As singers, we believe the information we provide should be free for everyone. That is why all of our articles are free. In addition to our free content, we do offer printables in our Shop to help you build your career and singer lifestyle.

Is Modern Singer just for classical singers?

Modern Singer gears toward classical singers, but we also address issues relevant to musical theater performers, and many musicians can benefit from our advice and information.


Is there a paper edition of Modern Singer?

No. Modern Singer is 100% online.


How can I apply for an artist feature?

You can apply for an artist video feature HERE. If you are interested in featuring your company, please email us. contact us at info@modernsingermag.com.


How can I join the Modern Singer Team?

If you are interested in becoming a Modern Singer Team Member, please email our Editor-in-Chief, Ellen Hinkle.