
How to Avoid Illness While Traveling

It always seems to be flu, cold, or allergy season. There is always something going around when you need to travel for an audition or competition. The one thing on your mind as you sit on a bus, plane, or train is: please don’t let me get sick. Traveling is one of the easiest ways to get sick, which seriously inhibits us singers from doing our jobs. This list of tips and tricks can help you stay healthy no matter where your next journey may take you. 


1. Hydrate

This should be an easy one. Singers are known for constantly having a water bottle. Hydration is especially important if you are flying because of the dry, pressurized air that circulates in an airplane’s cabin. Although you can not bring water through airport security, you can always bring a reusable water bottle and fill it up after the TSA checkpoint. Try to drink twice as much water as normal when traveling.


2. Wash your hands 

Hand washing is always an important practice, but especially when traveling. Make sure you wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom. Hand sanitizer is a good option for situations when soap and water may not be readily available. Try to wipe down surfaces before using them. Studies have shown that tray tables are the most unclean surfaces on an airplane so make sure you clean the table before eating food off of it!


3. Ensure you are well-rested

It is rare to get a good night’s sleep on an overnight bus or flight, so don't start off exhausted. If possible, try to get a full night of sleep the night before traveling. Although it can be pretty difficult to fall asleep while in an uncomfortable seat, there are many different travel pillows in every shape and size for every kind of sleeper. Two of my favorites are the Ostrich Pillow and the Travelrest Ultimate Travel Pillow. 


4. Bring snacks

You are far more likely to eat well if you bring pre-prepared food with you. This doesn't need to be anything complicated - a bag of almonds and an apple will suffice. Packing your own food will also keep you from buying overpriced items at rest stops or airport terminals. Make sure you check the TSA website before bringing any food that may be considered a gel or liquid. Nut butter, yogurt, pudding, and jelly are all food items that are not allowed. 


5. Don’t travel when sick

Although this is sometimes unavoidable, it is best not to travel when sick. The stress of traveling may make your illness worse. If possible, try to reschedule your audition for a later date.


6. Wear a Mask 


Masks are an easy way to keep from inhaling airborne viruses, pollen, and other allergens. The best masks are medical grade and form to your face. Many of these options are available at pharmacies. Nasal screens are fairly new innovations that can serve a similar purpose. These are self-adhesive screens which are inserted into the nostrils to filter out dust and other allergens. 


7. Flush sinuses 

Use a NetiPot or similar product to help flush pollen, viruses, and bacteria out of your sinuses. Sinus rinses are easily transportable and are typically effective at getting excess mucus out of your body. 


8. Use a Humidifier 

Use a humidifier both while in transit and in your hotel room. This will help keep the air moist and keep your sinuses from drying out. There are many portable humidifiers on the market, including ones that use a disposable water bottle as a water tank. Humidiflyer is a humidifying face mask that can be worn while traveling on an airplane to combat stale cabin air. 


Next time you make travel plans make plans to stay healthy as well!

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