Handel's Messiah: The Workout Part 1

It's that time of year! This month our schedules are usually booked with holiday gigs, shows, and solo opportunities. One work that is always there is Handel's Messiah. We've heard it so many times that by the end of it, we're singing the "Hallelujah" chorus with extra gusto. Whether you're practicing for an upcoming gig, listening to classical Christmas radio on Spotify, or just want a festive workout, get an extra workout in with our Handel's Messiah: The Workout Part 1


Every time you hear the following phrase, do the workout with the assigned amount of reps. Take breaks a needed, but try your best to complete all the reps! If at any point you are feeling out of breath, woozy, or in pain, please take a break and consult a doctor if the pain continues. 


Comfort ye

10 bridges

Every valley

10 Tricep dips

Every mountain

25 Mountain climbers

Glory of the Lord

10 V ups

All flesh shall see it together

10 Russian twists

And I will shake

10 Tuck jumps

Who may abide

 5 slow pushups

Who shall stand

10 Inchworms

He shall purify

10 Supermans

Behold, a virgin shall conceive*

Hold plank (for the entire recit)

O thou that tellest

10 crunches

Behold your God

10 sumo squats

For behold, darkness shall cover*

Wall sit hold (for the entire time)

The people that walked in darkness

10 walking lunges

For unto us a child is born

20 squats

There were shepherds*

Hold a V-sit (for the entire recit)

Glory to God

10 squat jumps

Rejoice greatly

10 jumping jacks

Then shall the eyes of the blind*

Hold a plank (for the entire recit)

He shall feed his flock

10 incline pushups

Come unto Him

10 decline pushups

His yoke is easy

10 right side v-ups

His burden is light

10 left side v-ups



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