
Ways You Can be a Better Singer Without Singing

There are times when we, as singers, cannot continue to vocalize and practice during the day. Our voices have a limit, and it’s important to recognize when we reach that limit! There are a ton of activities you can do that improve your singing career without actually singing.  Here are some ways to rest vocally and still move toward your singing goals:


Study a Language

Pick up a language course, use apps and programs such as Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, or even purchase a textbook from a used book store to improve your language skills. Watching shows in the language you’re learning can help with familiarity and fluency, too. The better you understand the language, the more closely connected you will be with pieces you want to sing!



As singers, our bodies are our instruments, so being healthy is key to singing well. Practicing breathing and yoga are great ways to use your body while resting your voice. Lots of exercises are fun and will help keep you in shape. Play around and see what you like!



Friends can be made anywhere, and who knows where your next gig will be? Keep up with old friends and make new friends via forums or in groups. These are a great way to connect without talking or using your voice. Comment on a Modern Singer or Classical Singer article and see who else is interested in that topic. Find out how, and get in touch with people.



Singing is just as much about listening as making noise! After all, rests are part of music, too. Find out which singers sing your rep and explore what kinds of music you like to listen to. A whole world of recordings exist, not only in opera, but as interviews, stories, and all kinds of music. Find your ear candy.


Be Theatrical

Part of being onstage is the expressivity and emotion portrayed, along with the beautiful music. Improv and acting skills can really help make a good singer into a great singer. Practicing acting can be as easy as moving in different ways or walking in a different manner. Experiment, research characters, and make silly faces at yourself in the mirror.



Many operas are based on books or have other stories surrounding them. Dig in!  Perhaps your favorite singer or pedagogue wrote a book. Libraries are free, and so are many digital books! Technical books and blogs can also be interesting to explore different aspects of singing. Finding out what programs are out there, on top of reading about teachers, coaches, directors, and others in the industry can contribute to a well prepared audition and round out your education.


Hopefully, these ideas have gotten your wheels turning for other ways to fill your time, in addition to singing. How do you develop skill sets surrounding your singing?

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