
How Your Passion for Music Can Provide Meaningful and Affordable Holiday Gifts

It’s no secret that making a living as a musician is no lucrative feat. Despite long hours of rehearsing and performing, it is often difficult to pocket extra spending money after bills are paid. Still, this fact shouldn’t hold us back from giving to friends and family during the most wonderful time of the year! With a little planning and creativity, we can give others the gift of our time and talents. Below are just a few ways musicians can give meaningful gifts that won’t break the bank!


1. Perform at an upcoming event.

Is a friend or family member getting married? Hosting an anniversary or birthday party? If you know he or she is looking for a musician for an event, offer your services free of charge. If your friends or family aren’t intending to hold an event in the foreseeable future, let them know your offer is good at any point in time!

2. Offer free music lessons.

Perhaps your cousin, aunt, friend’s child, co-worker, or any other close friend or family member has expressed interest in taking music lessons. Offer to teach him or her free of charge! Whether you provide a single free lesson or a whole semester’s worth, your work with them will not only nourish his or her love of music, but also increase the time you get to spend together.

3. Provide tickets to upcoming shows or concerts.

Often, we singers can get tickets to upcoming shows at little-to-no cost in several cities, especially if we're involved in the show. Prior to the holidays, start securing a few free or discounted tickets to shows your friends and family might enjoy, and distribute them at holiday gatherings.

4. Accompany a recital.

Talented pianists are always appreciated! If you’ve got the chops, offer up your skills pro bono. Does a close friend want to host a recital for his or her studio? Is a family member hoping to sing at an upcoming recital? Offer to rehearse with and accompany them free of charge.

5. Write a song.

One of the most fulfilling gifts I’ve given is a song I wrote for my husband a few years ago. Not a songwriter? Neither was I! However, if songwriting is something you’ve ever wanted to try, start by writing one for someone you love. Chances are the words and music will flow easily, and the person to whom you give the song will remember it for their whole life.


This holiday season, remember that it doesn’t take a lot of money to show our loved ones how much they mean to us. It's pretty likely that many of the people you’d like to give gifts to this holiday season are the same people who avidly support your artistic endeavors. Why not give them music? It’s bound to be a gift they surely won’t forget!

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