Stress Relief Suggestions for Singers Who Can't Relax

Are you stressed out, but yoga and meditation aren't quite giving you the relief you need? Are you looking for some unconventional ways to take your mind off of the challenges we singers face every day? Here are some inexpensive and less "zen" suggestions to help you say goodbye to stress. 


Play with a dog

If you don't have your own puppy, find a dog park or a friend with a pet to turn your brain off for a little while. Dogs always love you, even if they just met you. Many schools even bring puppies in as therapy dogs during finals week to help relieve stress. See if there is a similar therapy dog program in your area. Luxuriate in that fuzzy love for a little while and don't think about the pile of unlearned music waiting for you. That music doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that dogs are the best.


Take a self-defense class

Yoga can be an excellent stress reliever. You know what else relieves stress? Hitting people. Rather than getting arrested for smacking your creepy co-star, find a local self defense class. You'll learn proper defense techniques and get a physical workout for some of those tense feelings. At the end of the hour, you'll feel like a powerful warrior who's ready to take on the world.


Read a post-apocalyptic young adult novel

Are the struggles of trying to make a living in opera getting you down? Take a moment to lose yourself in a book. We suggest a book that requires little thought and provides pure escapism. Stress relief is no place for non-fiction or intense works of literature. Take yourself to the young adult section. No matter how bad things seem, at least you’re not a sixteen-year-old forced to fight other teenagers to the death. It’s all about perspective.


Talk to someone about your favorite show

Talking about your favorite shows is a great way to revisit something you love. Game of Thrones was a true pop culture phenomenon and was a truly impressive work of cinematic storytelling. There were a lot of incredible episodes in that series, and it is a treat to reminisce with a good friend about how great that show was. Except for the ending. What the heck even was that? All the build-up for the Night King to go down in one episode? And then that's the guy who ends up ruling the Seven Kingdoms? Why did they bother making Jon a Targaryen at all? They didn’t unpack any of the plot lines they set up! What was with the random horse that showed up at the end of that episode? That whole thing was a mess, and I watched it religiously for eight seasons! That’s so many years of my life!

Now you’re angry, but you got a break from thinking about audition fees, didn’t you? You’re welcome. Find a buddy who is just as furious as you are about how dirty they did Daenerys and get those feelings out.


Just scream

Singing is kind of like screaming, but it doesn’t have the same freedom. While it may not sound like the healthiest thing to do, there's research to suggest that screaming does relieve stress. When everything is just too much, screaming may be the thing to help, so long as you don't hurt your vocal chords in the process. Give yourself permission to sit in your car where no one can hear you and scream out all of your feelings.


For those who can't find relief in a massage or a spa day, there are numerous non-traditional ways to chase away stress. If you can find the trick that works for you, it will be an invaluable tool to get through your rough patches. No matter how you center yourself, just remember to breathe.

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